Radio AMLO

jueves, noviembre 30, 2006

Difundir...tendremos los demás

Starting at the 19:00 hours of Monday 20 of November of 2006, Ferrer Galván, Alejandro Sandoval, Eliseo Junior, Fernando Zamudio and Juan Carlos Escandón, we initiated a Hunger Strike, that today will turn two days, in front the "Door Mariana" of the National Palace in the Seat of the Constitution.

According to the tradition it will only be able to pass through this door the Head of the Mexican State and the Chiefs of State invited by the president. This pacific civil resistance we made it by own will and with the objective to prevent that the imposter Felipe Calderón tries to accede to the host building of the executive authority, by this door, by which does not have right. They will be able to manipulate the electoral results, but, its fraud, they only will reach them so that the political elite and economic recognizes to them, but the popular will was very clear in favor of Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador and the spurious Calderón will only have social disgust. To complete the usurpation, Calderón will be ilegitim president of back doors, of polarized glasses and private activities.

At two days of initiate Hunger Strike we must denounce the following thing:

1. - Approximately three in the morning of today Tuesday 22 of November, while the strikers we rested and remained in alert the nocturnal guard, a firing with originating firearm of the Corregidora Street was listened to a flank of the National Palace, accompanied by a police of the Secretariat of Public Security of the Mexico City, the companions in guard went to this street, to ensure that the street was completely empty and without movement indications, to the time that the firing did not alert to the military at the interior of the Palace, which allow us to suppose that the firing could come from within the building.

2. - Later, when returning to restart the guard, from the large windows superior to the balcony of the "Door Mariana", military guards threw against our camping and of the companions and companions in guard, first, a pair of wet papers, a cooked egg and, six fragments of chewed orange. To the previous thing we must affirm, that we ignored if this aggression on the part of soldiers who guard the National Palace is a mechanism of intimidation or a stupid prank of some military, the certain thing is that it happened and for the actual situation of things who we lived in Mexico, the Mexican Army, that is an institution of the Mexican State, does not have to take part by no from the positions in the political conflicts.

The military institution, so plenty of symbols and honors, surpasses the political factions and social, a uniforming, represents the Mexican Army and the national defense, reason why acts like which we denounced did not have to be made playfully nor.

For that reason, we demanded that they stop its "pranks" or its intimidations against the national resistance.

We declared that we made responsible to the control of military security of the National Palace and to Felipe Calderón by any aggression, accidental or glided, that we pruned to undergo so much the strikers as the companions that support to us, in the environs of National Palace or even far from this one.

Finally, we make a call to the Civil Resistance, the Party of the Democratic Revolution and to the population in general to support with Hunger Strike, adding itself to the matutinal, vespertine or nocturnal guards.

They will not move to us, while the usurper persists in doing violence to the constitutional state.

Felipe Calderón will not pass...!!!





Ferrer Galván Acosta, Fernando Zamudio, Alejandro Sandoval, Eliseo Junior y Juan Carlos Escandón

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